How to Store Raspberries (Fridge, freezer, jam +)

You can store raspberries in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days or in the freezer for four months, and if you mix them with sugar, they will last 8 to 12 months frozen. You can also dehydrate them and keep them for a year at room temperature.

If you want to learn how to preserve raspberries correctly, keep reading.

Store Raspberries

How to keep raspberries in the fridge

Unfortunately, raspberries do not last long at room temperature, mainly if you buy those packaged in supermarkets or food stores.

So one of the storage options you have available will be to keep the raspberries in the refrigerator, and you can do it as follows:

  • Step 1: Dry the raspberries.

Most of the raspberries that are bought come somewhat moist, so as soon as you get home, spread them on paper towels, and dry them carefully. Get rid of rotten raspberries. 

  • Step 2: Put the raspberries in a container with paper towels.

Raspberries lose moisture, so place paper towels inside the container where you will put them. You can use the same container where they came from since they have holes that allow airflow, or you can put them in containers or bags that are not airtight.

  • Step 3: Store the raspberries in the fridge.

Do not leave raspberries in the coldest part of your refrigerator, nor the compartment for vegetables since they would not last too long. You better leave them in a cool area near the door.

Following these tips, you can store raspberries in the fridge for 2 or 3 days. [1]

How to freeze raspberries

Can raspberries be frozen? Raspberries freeze so well that it is the storage option of choice for most, especially if you have a lot. To freeze them correctly, follow these steps exactly:

  • Step 1: Wash and dry the raspberries.

Use cold water to wash the raspberries. You can fill a bowl, dip the raspberries there, stir them well, and gently rub them with your fingers to remove all the dirt. Throw away raspberries that are in poor condition.

You can also place the raspberries in a colander and wash them under the tap. Drain them well before drying with a clean towel or absorbent paper. Leave them a couple of minutes outdoors to finish drying and remove any leaves they may have.

  • Step 2: Perform the first freezing of raspberries.

So that raspberries do not stick to each other when frozen, you should first freeze them as follows: spread them on a tray with parchment or waxed paper without piling them up and separating them.

Put the tray in the freezer and leave the raspberries there for 3 or 4 hours or until they are completely hard.

  • Step 3: Transfer the raspberries to a sturdy bag or container.

Put frozen raspberries in an airtight bag or container suitable for being in the freezer. 

  • Step 4: Place the storage date of the raspberries.

By putting the storage date on the containers where you put the raspberries, you will have better control over them. You can write the date on the container, put a label or tape it and, on it, write the date.

  • Step 5: Store the raspberries in the freezer.

You can store raspberries in the freezer for four months. [2]

To thaw raspberries, pass a portion to the fridge one night before; there, they will keep for another day. Keep in mind that raspberries cannot be re-frozen.

Also, if you freeze raspberries with sugar, they will last longer. From every half kilo of raspberries, use 100 grams of sugar, and stir carefully not to crush them until the sugar is dissolved and syrup is created. 

Divide the raspberries in sugar into several portions in sturdy containers. Thus, raspberries bathed in sugar will last 8 to 12 months inside the freezer. [3]

How to dehydrate raspberries

You could dehydrate if you are interested in keeping raspberries long. And for this, you can use fresh or frozen raspberries, and here is how:

  • Step 1: Wash and dry the raspberries.

Fill a bowl with cold water, dip the raspberries, and stir them well, rubbing them carefully with your fingers to remove the dirt. Remove the raspberries that are in poor condition and remove the leaves.

Drain them and leave them for a while in the colander, then put them on absorbent paper or a clean towel and finish drying. If you use frozen raspberries, wait for them to thaw, and reach room temperature, then dry them as I described.

  • Step 2: Dehydrate the raspberries.

If you have a food dehydrator, put the raspberries inside their trays evenly and without stacking or sticking them a lot since it is convenient to leave space between them so that the air circulates better.

Set the temperature to 60°C and dehydrate for 18 to 36 hours; they will take to dry depending on how big the raspberries are.

If you want a conventional oven, preheat it to the lowest temperature, approximately 90°C. Arrange the raspberries on a tray with parchment paper, nonstick foil, or mesh, leaving some space between them, and bake for 3 to 8 hours.

After the first hour, turn the raspberries; after another hour, return them to the initial position, and you should check every hour until they are ready. Be careful not to burn raspberries in the oven.

To check that the raspberries are dehydrated properly, wait until they cool and then squeeze them; if they fall apart and sound like crumpled paper, they are already well-dried. 

  • Step 3: Transfer the dehydrated raspberries to airtight containers.

I recommend using glass jars with an airtight lid to store dehydrated raspberries at room temperature, but plastic and airtight bags or containers will still do. 

Just wait until they cool down to put them in the containers. At this point, you could crush the dehydrated raspberries to prepare a powder, and the way to store it is the same. 

If you want to crush raspberries, do it in a blender or a food processor, or put them inside an airtight bag and crush them with a heavy object. 

  • Step 4: Enter the preparation date.

You can put a date tag, write it on the container or bag, or on a piece of tape that you have attached.

  • Step 5: Store the dehydrated raspberry.

If you store the dehydrated raspberry at room temperature, it will be able to last an entire year. Just store it in a cool, dark, and dry place. Or put the dehydrated raspberry in the freezer for 2 to 5 years but use sturdy containers.

How to preserve raspberry juice

If you prepare rich raspberry juice, you can store it in the fridge, in a jar with a lid, away from foods with a strong smell, and preferably without ice, so that, in that way, you can keep the raspberry juice 5 or 7 days in the refrigerator.

Another storage method available is to freeze raspberry juice. You can pour the juice into an airtight bag and seal it well or into molds to prepare ice cubes. 

In both cases, perform a first freeze, then transfer them to a larger bag or container suitable for the freezer. Raspberry juice will keep for 8 to 12 months in the freezer. Remember to put the storage date.

How to preserve raspberry sauce

You could make a raspberry sauce or coulis if you have too many raspberries and need help with what to do with them. If you have 500 grams of raspberries, you will only require 200 grams of sugar, the juice of one lemon, 100 milliliters of water, and a little honey (optional).

  • Step 1: Wash the raspberries.

Place the raspberries in a bowl of cold water to wash them. Rub them with your fingers carefully to remove any dirt they may have on them.

  • Step 2: Prepare the raspberry coulis.

Pour the water and sugar into a pot, turn on the stove over low heat, and bring to a boil. When the syrup forms, turn off the heat and wait until it cools completely.

Now, pour the raspberries, lemon juice, a splash of honey, and syrup into a blender. Blend until a homogeneous and slightly thick mixture is obtained.

  • Step 3: Transfer the raspberry sauce to some containers.

If you store this sauce in the refrigerator, I suggest using glass jars with airtight or screw caps, previously sterilized (boil them for 10 minutes in water). But if you plan to freeze it, use sturdy containers or bags.

  • Step 4: Set the preparation date.

Tape some tape to the jar and write the date on top or attach a label with the date of preparation.

  • Step 5: Save the raspberry coulis.

Putting the raspberry coulis in the fridge will keep it for 5 or 7 days. But if you freeze the raspberry sauce, it can be frozen for 8 to 12 months.

How to preserve raspberry jam

One of the alternatives to taking advantage of raspberries is making a jam with them, which you can keep for a long time. 

For this preparation, you will need half a kilo of raspberries, 350 grams of sugar, and the juice of half a lemon.

  • Step 1: Wash the raspberries.

Put the raspberries in a bowl of cold water to wash them or place them in the strainer and clean them under tap water. 

  • Step 2: Store a glass dish in the freezer.

Before preparing raspberry jam, put a thick glass dish in the freezer; this will help you check the condition of the jam later.

  • Step 3: Prepare the raspberry jam.

Pour the raspberries, sugar, and lemon or lime juice into a pot. Turn on the stove over low heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

At this point, the raspberries must have released enough liquids, so crush them with a fork or crusher. Cook over low heat for 30 to 40 minutes and turn off the stove.

  • Step 4: Try the raspberry jam.

Please take out the dish stored in the freezer, pour a tablespoon of the jam on top, and put it in the fridge for three minutes. Take out the plate again; you will know the jam is ready if it wrinkles when you pass a finger to the mixture. 

If not, cook for another 5 minutes. If you like jam with a finer texture, you could blend it.

  • Step 5: Transfer the raspberry jam to the containers.

Once the raspberry jam is ready, pour it into glass jars that have a screw cap or are airtight and have been previously sterilized (boil in water for 10 minutes). At this point, the jars have to be dry.

  • Step 6: Vacuum-seal the raspberry jam.

In a high, thick-bottomed saucepan, put a clean dish or dishcloth at the bottom, and put the jam jars on top, but they are far enough apart so they do not collide.

Add water to the pot to cover, or almost cover, the jars, turn on the stove with the fire to the maximum and when it starts to boil, lower the intensity, and let it cook for 20 or 30 minutes more. So all the air will come out of the jars. 

Turn off the stove and wait until the water warms before removing the jars with tweezers. Let the jars with the jam rest in a place away from sunlight for 6 or 12 hours.

  • Step 7: Write down the date of preparation.

Stick a piece of tape to the jar of jam and put the date on top or stick a label.

  • Step 8: Save the raspberry jam.

If the weather does not exceed 25°C, you can store the jar sealed with raspberry jam for 10 to 12 months at room temperature, but after opening, it will only remain for 3 or 4 months. Remember to put the jars in a dry, cool, dark place.

If the temperature exceeds 25°C, put the raspberry jam in the fridge, it will last 12 to 18 months if the jar remains sealed or six months when it has been uncovered.

You could also freeze the raspberry jam, but you must use containers or airtight bags suitable for the freezer. In addition, the vacuum sealing step will not be necessary. Raspberry jam can be in the freezer for 2 or 5 years.

How to preserve homemade raspberry liqueur

With raspberries, you can also prepare an exquisite homemade liquor, and although it is a simple recipe since it requires time for alcohol and raspberries to combine, it is worth a try.

To prepare this liqueur, 125 grams of raspberries, half a liter of vodka or brandy, 125 grams of sugar, 65 milliliters of water, and optionally a cinnamon stick and the peel of a lemon.

  • Step 1: Wash the raspberries.

Wash raspberries by pouring them into a bowl of cold water, stirring them well, or washing them under tap water. Then, drain them, remove the leaves and those in poor condition. 

  • Step 2: Macerate the raspberries.

Put the raspberries in a container, preferably a glass, and add the liquor, cinnamon, and lemon peel. Cover the container well. Place it in a dry, dark, and cool place below 15°C. Macerate for 3 or 4 weeks, and occasionally turn the jar without shaking or opening it. 

  • Step 3: Prepare the syrup.

After the maceration time, make the syrup with water and sugar. You must cook it over medium-low heat until the sugar dissolves and you have a thick syrup.

  • Step 4: Strain the raspberry macerate.

Strain the raspberry macerate twice: first with a strainer to retain the berries, then strain the liquid again using a special cloth.

  • Step 5: Mix the syrup with the raspberry macerate.

When the syrup cools, mix it with the raspberry macerate. 

  • Step 6: Transfer the raspberry liquor to a glass bottle.

You can use glass bottles or jars with screw caps, airtight or cork, that have been sterilized before. Cover well and let stand for 1 or 2 days before you start taking it.

  • Step 7: Note the storage date.

Put a label on the bottle or jar with the date or tape it and write the date on it.

  • Step 8: Save the raspberry liqueur.

Artisanal liqueurs should be stored between 4°C and 12°C temperature. To store this drink at room temperature, put it in a cool, dry, and dark place.

If you use a bottle as a container, keep it vertical to store the raspberry liqueur for between 1 and 2 months at room temperature and 3 to 4 months in the fridge.

How to know if raspberries got bad?

If the raspberries are very watery, it is most likely because they rotted, so if they fall apart as soon as you take them, get rid of them.

If raspberries have a strange smell or taste bad, it is a sign that they have gone bad, and you should not eat them.

Eating raspberries with spots or lint between black and white is also not a clever idea because that indicates that they have developed mold and are already entirely contaminated. 

How long do raspberries last?

Fresh raspberry in the fridge2 – 3 days
Fresh raspberry in the freezer4 months
Fresh raspberry in the freezer (with sugar)8 – 12 months
Dehydrated raspberry at room temperature1 year
Raspberry juice in the fridge5 – 7 days
Raspberry juice in the freezer8 – 12 months
Raspberry sauce in the fridge5 – 7 days
Raspberry sauce in the freezer8 – 12 months
Raspberry jam at room temperature (sealed)10 – 12 months
Raspberry jam at room temperature (open)3 – 4 months
Raspberry jam in the fridge (sealed)12 – 18 months
Raspberry jam in the fridge (open)6 months
Frozen raspberry jam2 – 5 years
Raspberry liqueur at room temperature1 – 2 months
Raspberry liqueur in the fridge3 – 4 months

What is the best way to preserve raspberries?

With everything mentioned, the best way to keep raspberries fresh is to freeze them, as they will keep them for a long time, especially if you mix them with sugar.

You can also store raspberries in the fridge for only a few days. Due to sugar, raspberry juice, and sauce stay refrigerated longer than fresh raspberries; if you freeze them, they will last much longer.

Another exciting storage option is to dehydrate the raspberries, and in this way, you can preserve them for a long time at room temperature.

You could also prepare a jam with raspberries and thus keep them for a long time, especially if you keep it cold, such as in the fridge or freezer.

The raspberry liqueur is kept for several months at room temperature or in the fridge thanks to alcohol, but you should not freeze it, or it will lose its flavor faster.

I will leave you some other posts related to this one.


